FF Studio is a strategic design studio run by Anna Goss and Eliot Fineberg. We work with organisations to help imagine, define and make a future we all want to live in.
We run courageous projects and tell courageous stories that create a shared narrative and build confidence in emergent ideas.
We create space to think outside of organisational structures so that new norms can emerge from the status quo.
We gather the right people around a problem and lead creative, inventive and driven projects.
Our work
Time to get movingSport England
A presentation about the future isn’t enough. Alongside wider work to create the conditions for 21st century services you need to build little versions of that future now.
Better than IFAsEssex Service Transformation
Walk before you run: make the website better for prospective foster carers first. Build trust, then zoom out to look at opportunities for service transformation.
Arts FundingSelf-initiated
Arts Council England made it open, we made it better. See artsfunding.ff.studio
Faster HorsesMajor UK retailer
Catch up quickly and avoid the innovator’s dilemma. Worked with a FTSE 100 company who wanted their digital team to fast follow emerging practice.
A Stable HomeYour Homes Newcastle
Signpost towards more radical 21st century services by revealing the work you already do. A stable home is the basis of a stable life.
A Rights Based ApproachActive Inclusion Newcastle
Reveal that if housing is a right, and supply is limited, you need to focus on looking after people and their human needs.
FragmentsEssex Children’s Services
A relationship is not a process. Talk about contextual safeguarding in a way that heroes the relational practice needed within public service delivery. See fragments.ff.studio
BermondseySelf initiated (proof of concept)
Surveilling your friends is weird. How might we build an alternative to big tech smart home devices that take people's privacy seriously. See more
Studio statement
Our work is grounded in the fervent belief that we are not at the end of history and that the long arc of progress is still playing out. Our primary contribution to the future we want to live in is to work alongside organisations in the fields of design, technology and storytelling.
We believe new ideas need protecting in ways the status quo does not, and that the only things that ever change people’s minds are the things that make them feel something. So we talk, draw, write, prototype, provoke and prod new ideas into reality.
We start projects with a very small number of people who can define the problem or opportunity, and work out if this is new, hard or previously solved. And then we act accordingly.
We know there are always wider political and budgetary constraints and incentives, and that those constraints and incentives always have a limit. Breaking free from those limits means staying optimistic and talking about a wider purpose.
We talk about that purpose using facts, art and politics and run projects with courage, privilege and backbone.
We want to stay true to what we believe with humour, grace and a bit of fire. We aspire to run projects that are small, fast, beautiful and witty.
October 2023